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How To Make A Macro In Excel? Perfect For Beginners!

Excel has a lot of time-saving features, such as keyboard shortcuts, templates, and the filehandle, but there’s no better time-saving tool than an Excel macro! In the simplest, a macro is a set of instructions that Excel follows when you tell it to. It opens up a lot of possibilities. It can leap large projects with a single keystroke and dash through annoying operations like a bullet. While Macros aren’t the superman of Excel tools, they might make you appear to be one.

What Exactly is a Macro?

A macro program or script performs multiple operations in sequential order. This software can be “written” by simply noting the procedures for each activity as they complete them. The application runs, and the steps are repeated when individuals playback the recording.

Visual Basic for Applications, or VBA, is the programming language that executes macro programs. Excel assists everyone in writing a VBA program when one uses the macro record function. Advanced VBA programmers can create macros that accomplish activities that are beyond what a user can manually record.

When Should Macros be Used?

Some processes in Excel can be repetitious while working with spreadsheets. Formatting a report is one example. While changing font styles and modifying cells may seem insignificant, the way their data is presented is critical for individuals who will interpret the report afterward. But here’s where macros come in handy: One can turn 10 minutes of clicking into a single click using an Excel macro!

How to Make a Macro in Excel?

  • Firstly one needs to add the Developer tab to the ribbon before one can start building macros. To make an Excel macro, add the Developer tab and then follow these steps:
  • Select the Record Macro button in the Code group on the Developer tab OR click the button in the screen’s bottom-left corner that resembles a spreadsheet with a red dot in the top left corner.
  • Give the macro a unique name. Spaces are not permitted; however, you can substitute spaces with an underscore. 
  • Make a shortcut key selection. Choose a letter that isn’t already used as a shortcut key because it will replace the original (i.e., don’t use Ctrl+Z unless individuals want to lose the Undo shortcut). Users can broaden their options by holding down Shift (instead of Ctrl+Shift+Z). 
  • Choose a location to save the macro. In most cases, one wants to keep the macro in This Workbook. Select Personal Macro Workbook from the dropdown box if individuals want it to be available anytime they use Excel.
  • In the Description box, write a brief description of what your macro will accomplish.
  • Click OK.

This will begin the macro recording process, and now users must do the actions they want to capture. To get a sense of how it functions, experts recommend starting with a few easy operations, like changing the font type or changing the color of the cell.

When you’re finished, click the blue square in the lower-left corner of the Excel window or press the Stop Recording button in the Code group on the Developer tab.

Way to play macro

What is the Best Way to Play the Macro?

  • Select the Developer option.
  • Select Macros from the dropdown menu.
  • In the dialogue box, choose the macro user want.
  • Select Run.
  • Alternatively, if users have saved a shortcut key, type it!

What is the Best Way to Save the Macro?

One must save the workbook as a Macro Enabled file type because macros are programs that run within your Excel document. This instructs Excel to reload the agenda when the worksheet is opened. To save a macro-enabled Excel file, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the File tab.
  • Save the file.
  • Navigate to the location where the workbook should be saved.
  • In the Save as type: dropdown menu, select Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook.
  • Click Save after giving the file a name.

That’s it! With a bit of effort, one is sure to come up with a number of time-consuming, repetitive tasks that macros can help them avoid on a regular basis.


While there are several stages to recording and running Excel macros, after one has done it a few times, it becomes second nature. They will notice that anyone can work with your spreadsheets a lot faster once they’ve built a few macros to fall back on.

Microsoft Excel is much more than simply an Office application. Improve the Excel skills to make the most of the program’s features. Calculations, graphing tools, PivotTables, macros, data visualizations, and other features are all available.